Frequent Questions

At Flemings Chapel, there is a peaceful sense of community, and a welcome waiting for everyone.  We've decided to try and answer a few question folks generally want to know about a church in order to help you get an idea of what it's like to visit with us.

  • What to wear? The key is comfort, not trying to look a certain way.  The operative word describing most people at Flemings Chapel would be casual instead of dressy.  This is not a coat and tie congregation.  We'd be delighted to have you come.
  • Where should I get started when I come as a visitor? We usually suggest our guests drop by the Welcome Center, between our sanctuary and the educational building.  You'll not only be met by some friendly folks who can give you directions,  you can also pick up a gift that our church would like to share with you to thank you for coming.         
  • What is the music like?  Our service includes both traditional hymns of the faith and contemporary Christian music (with a praise team).   Our congregation likes both.  We've found that there are some great truths of the faith in classic hymns.  But, we also believe there are newer songs that express an attitude of worship in a way that connects with people's hearts in the 21st Century.  Most important in the songs we sing is the chance to honor the Lord and express our faith, hope, and praise to the Jesus Christ Who died on the cross for our sins and rose again!  
  • What are the sermons like at Flemings Chapel?  Pastor David is committed to preaching expository messages (drawing out the truth of the Word of God). Most of the time we are working our way through a book of the Bible, discovering the meaning of what God has said, and then applying those truths to how we live our lives. David's messages are biblically-centered, but that doesn't mean they are dry or boring.  He uses thoughtful (and sometimes funny) stories to illustrate the message, helping listeners to connect the message to life. We believe the Bible is relevant to our life and faith, and essential for knowing God.  Hearing the Scripture directs our path, and adjusts our thoughts,  Every message is intended to help us discover what the passage says, what it means, and what we should do about it.
  • What time do your activities occur? Our Sunday activities typically get started at 9am for our Bible Study (Sunday School).  There is a nursery,  classes for children, teens, a couple of ladies classes, a couple of choices for men's Bible Studies, plus a co-ed adult class.  The morning worship service begins at 10am.  (During the morning worship service, parents of babies and toddlers have the option of allowing their children to be in our nursery.  For those with pre-school to third graders, we offer a Children's Church activity during the morning message time, helping youngsters learn God's Word at their level.)   On Sunday evenings, we concentrate on our children's ministry activity called AWANA Clubs.  This is a great program that's built around Bible verse-memorization, a rousing game-time, and incredible fun.  AWANA Clubs begin at 6pm.    On Wednesday evenings, Pastor David leads an in-depth adult Bible study and prayer time that begins at 6:30pm. 
  • How can I find out more about what you believe?   You are welcome to call the church and have a discussion if you have a specific question about what we believe and teach at Flemings Chapel.  You can also find out much of the doctrine of the church by reading the "What We Believe" document.  Because we know that's a long document, the short answer that we give people is that "we believe the Bible."  But since there are a lot of different interpretations of Scripture, as faithfully as we can, we've tried to describe what we believe, with verses that indicate why we believe it. Our desire is to allow God's message in the Bible to us direct our theology, our faith and our behavior.