amazing events of jesus' birth


what's so important about the virgin birth


thinking thankfully


the good samaritan


searching for men of peace


built on the rock

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our father in heaven

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the post resurrection appearances

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he has risen

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encounters in the way to the cross

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encounters on the road to the cross

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encounters on the road to the cross

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what does it mean to love one another?

Do you pass the love test? Does your love communicate that you are

who you are because of the difference trusting Christ has made in you?

Looking at 1 John 3:11-18, our Associate Pastor Thomas Smith helps us

see how love acts as assurance in our relationship with Jesus.


Sanctity of Life Sunday

As the church recognizes Sanctity of Life Sunday 51 years after the Roe v. Wade decision, 

Pastor David used Psalm 139 as the text to demonstrate how God

is at work in the womb knitting every life together for His glory.


praying in the new year

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an amazing announcement of a miraculous birth

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lesssons from the lord's genealogy

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a challenge for the church

Celebrating 154 years of God's blessings, Flemings Chapel held our annual Homecoming service on May 21, 2023.  Special music, graduate and military recognitions, and a message from the book of Romans 12:1-2 were all part of the service. Pastor David compared the current cultural slide to the commands of Scripture for how believers should live.


the children of god

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how to live with hope in the midst of suffering

Our Associate Pastor, Thomas Smith, brought a message from 1 Peter to help us understand how

God uses suffering to accomplish His goal in believers. As Peter writes, "in this we rejoice."


Matthew's view of

the passion week

From the triumphal entry to the pain of the cross, this overview of the final week before the

crucifixion gives us an understanding that Jesus wasn't helplessly caught in a political or religious squabble. He was the substitute for sinners, Who died to save those who do not deserve His grace.


thinking through the resurrection

Mary came to the tomb only to find it empty.  What happened next changed everything.

She saw the risen Christ!  On this Easter Sunday, Flemings Chapel celebrated the resurrection through a special musical presentation and a look at John 20 and Matthew 28.


Don't forget about the resurrection

In John 21, the resurrected Christ appears to the disciples who have gone fishing. His interaction with

Peter is an evidence of forgiveness.  Sometimes in life, we tend to go back to "normal" instead of living in light of the resurrection. This message calls each believer to constantly live in the reality of the resurrection.


biblical counsel for families

On the day when we had the joy of dedicating five beautiful children to the Lord, we looked into two passages for guidance on how to live.  In both Deuteronomy 6:4-7 and Colossians 3:16-17, the principle is the same: Obedience flows out of worship.  May God help these families who dedicated their little ones . . . and all of us to walk in obedience because we want to honor the Lord in worship.


father's day thoughts: not just for dads

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A word of warning

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the heart of jesus

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Do not lose heart

The Apostle Paul three times used the phrase "do not lose heart" to speak about the Christian life. In this message Pastor David reminds us that we are to continue to trust God while being faithful, and leaving the results to Him.


Trusting the lord in 2023

In a memorable passage from the book of Proverbs, the writer encourages us to put all our confidence in the

Lord and not ourselves. As we begin a new year, we lean into His wisdom. We trust His character, and we rely on

God to make the way for us in the 365 days ahead.


Christmas service

Why did Jesus come to earth? In this heartfelt message, we are reminded of His great

love and sacrifice that brought Jesus from heaven to earth.


Good new of great joy

Good news of great joy! That's what the announcement of Jesus coming to earth truly was.

God came to our rescue. Jesus came to be our Savior. The tiny baby in the manger was

sent to be our Savior.


The word became flesh

In this message from the first chapter of the gospel of John we see that Jesus, the Creator, was willing to humble Himself and become part of this world.  He came to fulfill the promise of God to send a Savior.  He came to perfectly show us what God is like.


What Do you do while you're waiting

In this final message from Pastor David's series "Reminders for Righteous Living," we are encouraged to trust the Lord even

when things don't look grim.  God is honored by our faith. Obedience and trust are our offering of faith in God's character.


seeing god through problems


Thinking thankfully

There is so much we have to be thankful for that making a list would be impossible. 

A special part of this service was the dedication of two precious little girls.

In the message, we were reminded that God deserves our thanksgiving because it is a part of worship.


Ready for spiritual battle

Every believer lives on the battleground of conflict against spiritual; forces of evil. 

But, we are not helpless in the battle. God has given us the armor needed to wage

war against the forces of darkness.  From Ephesians 6:10-18, Pastor David described

how we can be prepared for victory.


how do you live for jesus?

Many who have come to Christ struggle with how they can be able to live for Him.  

Colossians 2:6-7 answers that question. Live by faith in Christ, grounded in the

truth found about Him in the Scripture.  This message will encourage you to grow

in your faith by putting down roots into the soil of the truth, God's Word. 


Being Salt and light

Matthew 5:13-16 gives two easy to understand illustrations of what a believer's life should be.

Salt and light convey such vivid pictures in the text and in our daily lives. Pastor David explains

how the job of the church is to continue being salt and light in our society.


A Picture: Past and Future

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Great is thy faithfulness

Pastor Erc Kincaid, who grew up at Flemings Chapel. was our special speaker on August 21, 2022. His message, from Lamentations 3, was an encouragement to find hope in the Lord Who is always faithful.  Pastor Eric reminded us that despite the circumstances of life, Jeremiah was able to see that the covenant keeping God is worthy of our trust and confidence.


Ephesians 2

Who Are You .... And What Are You Doing?


January 16, 2022

"Can You Trust God?"

Isaiah 40

On a Sunday morning marked by a snowy winter event, the services at Flemings Chapel were cancelled.  But God's Word still speaks!   Pastor David shared a lesson from Isaiah 40 on his personal Facebook page that reached more people than our typical livestream.  Click the wintery picture and listen to the encouragement from Isaiah that teaches us to trust our great God.

September 5, 2021

"For a Believer, it's Always time to take out the trash."

In our worship service we had the privilege of looking into God's Word to see the qualities that ought to be a part of a believer's life.  Our study in Colossians 3 showed us the difference between a person who lives for Jesus compared to those who don't.

Prior to the sermon, we had the joy of approving Thomas Smith as our new Associate Pastor for Student Ministries.

May 30, 2021

Remember the Sacrifice

Taking a look into Romans 5:1-8, we see how the sacrifice of Jesus not only makes possible our right standing with God, but it introduces us to the grace in which we live. The sacrifice of Christ for us not only enables our forgiveness, but it should enliven our commitment to service and sacrifice for the glory of God.

May 23, 2021

Awana Recognition Sunday

We celebrated the goodness of God for our Awana Clubs terrific year. We worshiped God for His goodness in letting us know about the Savior. And we studied Mark 5:1-20 to see how God can use  our story to give glory to Jesus!

May 16, 2021

152 Years serving God

Flemings Chapel celebrated our 152nd Anniversary with a great day of worship and gratitude for God's goodness and grace.  The morning message was from 2 Timothy 4:1-8.

Resurrection Sunday -  April 4, 2021

Six Words that Change Everything!

The reality of what Jesus did on the Christ, and when He defeated death makes an eternal difference.  His work of sacrifice and suffering was finished at the cross.  And His power to give life was demonstrated by His resurrection.  Learn the six words that changed everything from John 19 and Luke 24.  Praise His name, Jesus is alive!

March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday

We celebrate the joyous triumphal entry, but quickly find that Jesus' ultimate reason for coming. . .  to go to the cross, demonstrates His love.  Looking at the three crosses at Golgotha, we see three different aspects.  Travel with us to Calvary and see the love of Christ poured out for sinners.

March 21, 2021

The Cost of Salvation

In preparation for the Passion Week of our Savior, we took a brief detour out of the book of Hebrews in order to be reminded of the sacrifice of our Savior. Pastor David's message is from the gospel of Mark, chapter 10. Three individual are highlighted as we look at the cost of salvation. The rich young ruler, the outspoken disciple Peter, and the Lord Jesus. (If you are having trouble seeing this video, go to Facebook to find our March 21st service.)

February 7, 2021

Encouragement from Hebrews

With this sermon, we are starting a  new series of messages in a verse by verse study through the book of Hebrews. This book, rich with great inspiration and valuable information, will be a wonderful encouragement to you helping you to keep walking by faith. IN this introductory message you will discover 8 great things about our wonderful Lord and Savior. (Due to a technical issue, you may need to come back and click here for the final few minutes of the message. We apologize for the inconvenience.)

January 31, 2021

The Book of Ruth: CHapter 4

The story of redemption is complete. Boaz takes Ruth to be his wife. The picture painted in chapter 4 is of one who was willing to pay the price. To Boaz and Ruth is born a son who becomes the grandfather of King David. And in God's providence, the greater One born in Bethlehem is our Savior Jesus.

January 24, 2021

The Book of Ruth: Chapter 3

Naomi encouraged Ruth to find a kinsman-redeemer who would bring security and rest to her life. This act of love was a vivid demonstration that Naomi's heart had become tender to Ruth, her dedicated daughter-in-law. In this 3,100 year old story, there are many parallels to the life of a believer. Make the connection by worshipping with us and learning the lessons of Ruth 3.

January 17, 2021

The Book of Ruth: Chapter 2

The story of Ruth reveals God at work behind the scenes. It also demonstrates what grace and undeserved blessings look like, given to Ruth and Naomi from Boaz, a godly man. This passage teaches principles which help us rest in the sovereign plan of the Lord.

January 10, 2021

The Story of Ruth: Chapter 1

Into the darkness of difficult circumstances, God poured light. The book of Ruth is a love story, a story of grace, and a demonstration of God's redemption. In this message, Pastor David provides several principles that are right for our times.

Secondary Title

Five Reasons Jesus Came

The book of Hebrews 2:9-18 describes several reasons why Jesus came to earth. He came to experience death as our substitute; bring many sons to glory; defeat the devil; become a merciful High Priest; and make the  offering which satisfied God's holy justice.  Worship with us through this passage that led us to the celebration of communion. (Click the graphic to view the worship service.)

December 13, 2020

The Miraculous Birth of Jesus

In Matthew 1:18-25, we discover details about how Joseph learned that Mary was going to have a Son. In the midst of staggering shock that his bride was expecting, Joseph learned that the Heavenly Father sent Jesus to be "God with us." Jesus came to fulfill the promise of salvation to everyone who believes and trusts Him to be their Savior.

December 6, 2020

Lessons from the Lord's Genealogy

Matthew 1:1-17 contains a long list of relatives of the Lord Jesus. Some of these people had a colorful past. Why did God choose them, and what can we learn about how God deals with people through the family tree of Jesus, the Messiah? Click the tree graphic and enjoy our service as we get ready for Christmas by looking into the genealogy of Christ.

December 20, 2020

Lessons from the Wise Men

The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2, tells us that wise men saw the star that led them to Bethlehem, and there they worshipped. It also says that Herod heard about the birth of the newborn King and plotted to kill Jesus. Which are you: thrilled to worship Jesus, or threatened that He deserves to be Lord of your life?

December 27, 2020

The Response  to Jesus

Two amazing responses to Jesus came when Mary and Joseph went to dedicate Him in the Temple. Luke 2:21-38 tells the story of the response to Christ that honored Him long ago. Simeon and Anna provide an example of how we should welcome Him still.

January 3, 2021

Timeless Lessons for a New Year

Life is short. Times are often tough. But, Psalm 90 reminds us of several principles for living, even in these days of difficulty and stress.  Moses wrote asking God to establish the work of his life. These principles help us keep our lives on track.

NOvember 15, 2020

A Call to Worship

Psalm 96 gives a call to worship. It tells us that our we should sing to God to heap glory on His name. We should give to God to worship with open hands. And we should remember that that He will set all things in order because He is the One Who judges righteously. Prepare your heart for Thanksgiving and worship through this significant psalm.

November 22, 2020

Are You Thankful?

The story is familiar. The ten lepers were healed, and only one stopped to say thank you in praise for what Jesus had done for him. Are you in the ten percent? Are you grateful for the work of God in your life? Like the leper, we all have a disease (sin) that is deadly, and we can do nothing about it apart from Christ. Have you accepted His healing work of the cross and empty tomb. Have you thanked Him lately for His grace to care for you?  Luke 17,11-19 tells the powerful story!

August 30, 2020

Lessons from Haggai

The circumstances in Jerusalem in 520 BC were tough, like today. The people were distracted by all the hardship . . . like today. And they were less than faithful, like too many in the current climate.  BUt God called them to a new level of obedience, and promised a greater level of blessing for those who would consider their ways and repent.

May 31, 2020

Message By

Pastor Steve PaRker

Pastor Steve Parker shared a message about the security of the believer from John 10.  Our God who saves is also the One who keeps the believer safe and secure in Christ.

May 17, 2020

Homecoming Day with a Drive IN Service

We celebrated the goodness of the Lord with graduation recognition, and a Homecoming Day message with our first drive in service.  (Due to a technical difficulty, Part 2 of the service can be found below.) 

Part Two of Homecoming Service

Homecoming Day with Drive In service (Part 2)

The conclusion of the Homecoming message from Joshua 3 and 4 can be found here.

Lessons from the Book of Joel

"Return to Me"

Through natural calamity and invading armies, God was getting the attention of the people of Judah in Joel's day. He is calling us to return, rend your heart, and remember to worship Him.

April 19, 2020

Finding Forgiveness and Purpose

After His resurrection, Jesus met several disciples by the shore of the Sea of Galilee.  For Peter, it was a chance to renew His love and dedication to the Lord.  Jesus meets us in our circumstances, forgives us of our failures, and calls us to obedience in the days that lie ahead.

Pastor Steve Parker

The Resurrecting Gospel

Here is an encouraging message from Pastor Steve Parker on the resurrection of Christ. Taken from 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, this message offers a look back at the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the power that resurrection still has today to give new life.

Resurrection Day   -    April 12, 2020

He is Risen!

The angel's message to the women at the empty tomb applies to us today. Do not be afraid. He is risen. Come and see. Go and tell.

April 5, 2020

Voices from the Triumphal Entry

Believers called out in praise. Some cried out for political change. The religious leaders just wanted Jesus gone. What do you say about the King who entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday?

April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday Praise Team

A glitch in the software caused a probem with sound quality during the livestream on Sunday. Enjoy is a better recording of our faithful praise team singing How Deep the Father's Love for Us and Jesus Paid It All.

Pastor Steve Parker's message on Jesus

Jesus is our Help!

Yesterday, God helped me.

Today, He'll do the same.

How long will this continue? 

"Forever" - Praise His name!

1 Peter 1:7-9

Facts about Faith

God is regularly testing our faith to teach us to trust Him more, purging us of impurities, claiming glory to Himself as He works in our hearts. The Lord is giving us reasons to rejoice in what He is doing, giving us joy that is indescribable.  And it is our faith that gives us the assurance of our salvation. What is God doing in your faith?

1st Peter -  Chapter One

Commands to COnsider

The Apostle Peter wrote to the early church which was experiencing tough times. He gave them five imperatives that they should follow in order to walk in obedience and purpose.  Pastor David shares these principles in this brief message.

God is in COntrol

Encouragement from God's Word

The Scripture speaks to our hearts if we will listen. The word of God offers comfort in trying times. Pastor David points us to the Bible to find peace and rest that allows us to cease striving while we trust God to do what is right.

Giving God Glory By

Thinking Correctly

How do you keep your attitude right, and your actions in line?  How can you balance the cares of life with the praise God is due?  Pastor David gives a few things that should be on your do's and don'ts list in this brief video. (Click on the photo to begin.)

March 29, 2020

Resting in God's Faithfulness

From Romans 8, learn how

God is faithful to His children.

Dealing With

Discouragement and Anxiety

Pastor Steve Parker and Pastor David offer a word of encouragement from the Scripture in this brief conversation that will help you keep your attitude in line.  Check out the video on Facebook at

March 22, 2020

Joseph: A Study in Character

The Life of Joseph provides a marvelous chance to see what character and faith look like in a real life experience.  Pastor David concluded the study in the life of Jospeh with this sermon preached on the first day of our live-streaming due to the corona virus cancellation of regular services.