Looking forwrd to getting back together

Grateful for

God's Grace

After a Sunday when we couldn't get together to worship, we are looking forward to returning.

We hope to see you Wednesday evening for the continuation of our Missions Study on Central Asia. that starts at 6:30 pm, in the Fellowship Hall.

GlOry to God!

Praise the Lord for His Blessings

We rejoice in God for allowing us to surpass our goal for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.  

May many hear and believe in the name of Jesus!

Awana Clubs

are back in action

Are you looking for a great ministry that encourages your youngsters to trust in Christ.  For kiddos between the ages of 3 and the completion of 6th grade, we invite you to come to AWANA.

Our Awana ministry happens on Sunday evenings,  from 6:00-7:30pm. Youngsters learn Bible verses, play games, and have a great time.  It's not to late to join!

Our Worship and Activities Schedule

We would love to have you be a part of

what is going on at Flemings Chapel.

  • Bible Study  (Sunday School)

    Bible Study classes meet at 9:00am on Sunday morning.

  • Worship Service

    We begin at 10:00 am.  We livestream our service on Facebook

    or you can find recorded messages here from the drop-down menu "Sermon/Video."

  • AWANA Clubs & YOUTH

    Sunday evenings feature our children's program called Awana Clubs, which run from 6:00-7:30pm during the tradition school year. At the same time, our Youth get together for fellowship and Bible study.

  • Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer

    We get together at 6:30 in the fellowship hall on Wednesday evenings for a time of prayer and in-depth Bible Study. 

We live-stream our

Weekly Services

Our live-streamed services have been a good connection to Flemings Chapel for those who cannot attend in person.   You can find our services live each Sunday mornings at 10 o'clock at:

For those who don't use Facebook, soon after our live service has concluded, you can also watch the recording of the service here.  Simply click the "Sermons/Video" drop down menu at the top of the page.  You will find the most recent recording listed there. 

Acknowledging our Dependence

Join us in Prayer!

We have a lot of things to be thankful about, and one of those is the opportunity to pray. We are asking that you join us in prayer for our nation: health, peace, the economy . . . but most of all, a return to God. These are  times which God can use to turn our hearts to the Lord. May it be so!

Flemings Chapel Baptist  Church

Flemings Chapel is about connecting people with God and with one another.  While you can worship with us in person or online, we hope you will come out to be with us.  Come and make a new friend, be encouraged, and praise the Lord for His grace!


In  Colossians 1:28-29, Paul described his desire in ministry:  to share the gospel, teach the truth, and bring every person he could to maturity in Christ. At Flemings Chapel, we strive to accurately explain the Scripture in sermons and Bible studies; give generously in support of missions; sponsor events that help to reach children, teens, adults, and families; and go out into our community to have conversations about trusting Jesus for salvation. Our job is to "make disciples."